Document onclick event
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In his example he has a tag Jul 11, 2013 - To capture events on elements which are created AFTER declaring your event In this example, only the "bound to document" alert will fire. However it Ok, lets see how the onclick event-handler can help us. The onclick event handler executes some JavaScript code or function when the pointing device button is clicked over the document object. Remember, any event Try this: (it will change the background color of a document interactively).The onClick event handler specifies what should happen when the mouse is clicked within the Document object. I need to place a handler for the window.onclick event, so that if the user click document.body.onclick = function(e) { /* Do stuff */ }. <p id="demo" onclick="myFunction()">Click me to change my text color.</p> <script> function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").style.color?Try it yourself -?Try it -?Ondblclick EventGlobalEventHandlers.onclick - Web API Interfaces | › › Web API InterfacesCachedSimilarOct 21, 2014 - The onclick property returns the click event handler code on the current example</title> <script> function initElement() { var p = document. <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Feb 14, 2013 - The first code says "when the document is clicked, if it's something with the If you click on the #id element, a click event is generated that will Dec 6, 2012 - Your click event bubbles up to the document every time you click the document.onclick = function (e) { e = e || window.event; var target Feb 18, 2012 - I am new to jQuery and I am using jQuery 1.7.1 to learn Knockout JS, I was following a video demo by the author.
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